Monday, April 3, 2017

April Fools Day Rick-Rolled Me

You're probably all wondering where's the review of Samurai Jack or the next chapter of Multiverse Desperado?

To the latter, it's coming, I'm seriously putting the last edits to it now as of writing this.

As for the former, look at the above image.

I usually stay away from April Fools Day, even when I have the capacity to post some hilarious National Enquirer level dreck at The Game Fanatics and pass it off as holiday stuff. As a kid, it's a good bit of fun, as an adult it's like finding out who those in your social circle see you as the butt of a joke so you don't feel bad hitting them with the butt of a gun.

But for one of my favorite creators working today and fellow aspy Dan Harmon it was a glorious opportunity to utterly troll fans of Rick and Morty in some brilliant reverse-psychology.

Since April Fools Day ran last Saturday night, I locked myself away from social media and tucked into a review copy of Persona 5 on my PlayStation 4, a review will be coming to TGF but not at launch day because I'm only human. I was in another world and after a while got a little too into my JRPG to remember that Samurai Jack was supposed to be coming on.

It was only after I was talking with friends on Sunday that I found out that something even more special had happened. Instead of episode 4 of the new season of Samurai Jack, the 11:00 EST slot of Adult Swim was filled up with the hotly anticipated Season 3 premiere of Rick and Morty.

That's right, while I was busy fooling around with virtual high-school student drama, I was missing out on getting to see the return of interdimensional mad scientist Rick Sanchez get into crazy adventures with his grandson Morty and ripping the entire galaxy, and by extension the sci-fi genre, a new satirical orifice.

Have I mentioned before that I hate April Fools Day?

So yeah, no Samurai Jack episode review or substitute Animation Deviation due to job obligations and Dan Harmon being a brilliant brilliant little troll. Love your work bro!

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